The Helios Protocol is the fourth instalment of The Inspector Fenchurch Mysteries series. The first three stories (The Blakely Affair, Black Veil and Stradler's Game) are still available in the Amazon kindle store but eventually, all Carter Seagrove output (and all of Alp Mortal's and Chambers Mars's output) will be exclusive to the book boutique.
In the spirit of indie publishing, you are invited to download the story for a contribution to the authors and editors in recognition of their hard work to bring you this story. However, no money is demanded or expected and you may download the story for free or contribute later, once you have read the story and have decided what it is worth to you.
Please consider joining the forum to leave your comments on the story, our new way of delivering our stories to you, your experience of the site and the download process, other file formats you wish to be made available; in fact, just about anything.
We hope that you like the story and it whets your appetite for the next instalment The Fanshawe Scroll, which is being penned as we speak.
Alp Mortal and Chambers Mars = Carter Seagrove
promoting the freedom to choose