Author Spotlight - James Lee Hard
He writes contemporary gay romance and erotica but he wants to write about much more. His mind is filled with sci-fi gadgets, swords, wizards and dragons and he has trouble trying to choose one theme. Maybe one day we’ll read something starring sinewy heroes battling giant dragons in tight pants. But the romance will always be there. And the abs. And the happy endings – James is a sucker for them.
James draws inspiration from everyday life, books, movies, songs, pictures and much more. Almost everything can ignite his desire to write but not all will end up on his stories.
James is an indie author who relies on friends and a growing base of lovely beta readers to help him with his stories, ensuring that each book is better than the previous one.
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Why do you write?
I write because I love to. It’s been my love since I was a kid. Of course, back then I was writing adventures and fantasy, not M/M romance and erotica.
When did you start writing?
I’ve been writing on and off since I was a kid, but professionally since December 2014.
What genre(s) do you write?
Apart from M/M, I’ve written fantasy and science fiction, but those are experiments I’m not ready to share with the world just yet.
What does your writing routine consist of?
It all begins with my morning coffee. I normally read the last few paragraphs or chapter that I wrote the previous day to try and put myself in the mind of my characters. Then it’s just a matter of writing away, even if I’m not feeling it. The important thing is to write a bit every day. By the end of a week I will have something to show for and most of the time I surprise myself with words that are not as bad as I initially thought.
What do you feel are your strengths as a writer? How have you developed these qualities?
That’s a good question and I’m not sure I have “strengths”. But I would say that I try to create relatable and real characters. My intention is to create stories that help people escape their daily lives and have some fun.
Where do you find your inspiration? Do you put yourself in your stories?
I put myself inside the minds of my characters, yes, but the stories don’t necessarily reflect the real me. They have bits and pieces of me, my experiences, experiences of friends, but also lots of ideas that are just made up. I’m always trying to find something to write that appeals to me and so my inspiration can be found almost anywhere.
Outliner or improviser? Fast or slow writer?
A bit of both, although it’s more common for me to write at a slow pace than a fast one. I tend to come up with a general idea I like to flesh out a bit. I like to know who my characters are and what drives them before starting to write. I also like to have a general idea of where the story is going, but apart from this I just go with the flow. Once I tried to outline most of the story but it didn’t work that well. When I began to write it, it grew organically into something different from what I had first envisioned, mostly because my characters tend to have a mind of their own and are not always well behaved.
Tell us about your latest book.
The Nephilim’s Calling and it’s the second book in The Rift trilogy. It’s completely different from what I’ve written before, as it’s a paranormal gay romance filled with sexy scenes. It began as a short story I made available on my website, which I wrote after having an episode of writer’s block on another book. People loved it and wanted more, so it became a bigger story.
Indie publishing or traditional publishing - and why?
I started out professionally a year ago and I didn’t want to deal with the hassle of having a publisher evaluating the quality of my work, as if I were a pupil. So, I decided to go the indie route and let the readers be the judge of my stories. I don’t know what the future has for me, but for now it’s the indie route all the way.
Any other projects in the pipeline?
Yes. I’m currently finishing the third and final book in The Rift series and also writing a new standalone I plan to finish soon. It’s a feel-good romance story – or at least, I hope it ends up being something similar to a feel-good story.
What is your goal as a writer and what are you doing to achieve it?
My goal is to write stories that people like, and help them escape to a small, worry-free world for a couple of hours. I write a lot and every day, and I read a lot too. I think today I’m a much better writer than I was a year ago when I started out, and my readers share the same opinion.
What is the best piece of writing advice you've ever been given?
Write a lot and don’t worry about the quality of what you’re writing. Leave that for when the story is finished, or you’ll never write anything. I have to constantly remind myself that it really is important to silence my inner critic when I’m writing, because he can be a real pain. Also, read a lot.
Tell us about your books.
After a disastrous breakup with his deranged boyfriend, Jake sees himself forced to go back to his parents’ house. What was supposed to be a calm return to gather himself, turns out to be an intense and complicated journey where Jake has to confront a bigoted father who is constantly degrading him, take care of a sick mother who was never bold enough to speak her mind and deal with the not-so-over relationship.
Jake embarks on a journey that brings him the pain from his past, long lost friends and old passions that could be reignited if Jake has the courage to overcome his lingering inner fears. Will Jake defeat his deepest fears in order to become who he truly is? WARNING: This book contains explicit scenes of consensual sex between men as well as some graphic language. It is intended for a mature, adult audience. View the Excerpt Buy from Amazon |
All those years acting as a tough straight guy are thrown away when Jason finds himself enjoying wet dreams about a chiseled, strong man who shows him how sinfully good sex between two men can be.
Jason begins to question his sexuality due to those evermore-recurring dreams that seem to be so real. His questions are answered on the day he meets Blaine, the stranger in his dreams who, in reality, is an irresistible and tempting demon. This surreal revelation is the beginning of a life-changing journey where Jason discovers his true self, while stumbling upon a whole new dark underworld. Jason finds himself in the middle of a colossal battle between angels and demons, while fighting one of his own: coming to terms with his sexuality. WARNING: This book contains explicit scenes of consensual sex between men as well as some graphic language. It is intended for a mature, adult audience. View the Excerpt Buy from Amazon |
After the events of the first book, Jason finds himself lost and unsure about his sexuality. In one last attempt to prove that he is still the same man, he decides to accept Marco’s dare and goes on a date with a woman, only to find that some things are not reversible.
Meanwhile, the nephilim also arrives the city attracted to Jason’s peculiar, scrumptious scent at the same time that Blaine is summoned to Master’s lair in order to find out what are the nephilim’s plans. Between his own questions, Jason sees himself in the middle of the inevitable clash between the demon and the nephilim. What could be the nephilim’s mission? And what is Blaine’s true intent? And most important, why is Jason the center of their paths? WARNING: This book contains explicit scenes of consensual sex between men as well as some graphic language. It is intended for a mature, adult audience. Buy from Amazon |
Scott loved Russell since the day they met in college. He was the perfect guy: manly, gorgeous and charming. He only had one problem: a long time girlfriend. But that didn’t stop Scott from catching mixed signals from Russell since day one. Could those just be wishful thinking?
Things reach a cathartic moment during Russell’s wedding rehearsal. In an episode of foolishness, Scott drinks too much and drops the bomb. It was his last chance to know if his gaydar was right all along. Inspired on a true story, this 5.000 word short is fuelled with heated discussions and physical encounters that will engage readers into a small but enthralling plot. WARNING: This book contains explicit scenes of consensual sex between men as well as some graphic language. It is intended for a mature, adult audience. Buy from Amazon |
Hunky Mark is unemployed, penniless and living off the help of his friends. His life orbits around sex encounters that leave him with a bitter aftertaste. He went from skinny tall guy to hunk in a few years, after promising himself not to let anyone beat him again. But Mark still struggles with his self-image because underneath all of his muscles he still feels like a clumsy teenager.
His life starts to change when a stranger approaches Mark offering him a job as a stripper. Mark immediately dismisses it as another lame attempt at getting him laid. But his desperate need for money makes him think twice. He ends up surrounded by gorgeous men, his first true love and a past that just refuses to go away. WARNING: This book contains explicit scenes of consensual sex between men as well as some graphic language. It is intended for a mature, adult audience. Buy from Amazon |