I just wanted to let you know that I am working on the second episode of 'The Adventurers', it may be a few weeks but it'll be out soon.
The Pallasite Star, part 3 of The Awakening, will be out next week, towards the end of the week
It's the best excuse for not writing, it's hot and sunny and I'm working outside. That said, I am working on part 3 of The Awakening, so it won't be too long before that appears on the shelf. I'm also splitting up the collections and publishing the individual stories in those collections, as requested.
Please bear with me, it is 37 degrees at the moment, so I'm flagging a little. Love to all. Alp xx The edited and re-covered 2nd edition of the fairy tale, 'Grimaldi - the angry little fairy', is out now in the Kindle Store. This is the first '2nd edition' that I have done. I will be doing the rest, slowly, in order to correct my slightly haphazard (read 'awful') approach to the use of semi colons and fullstops. It is also an opportunity freshen up covers and blurbs.
This 2nd edition was only really possible with the help of a good pal, Karen, and I thank her for her energy, which gave me the buzz I needed to do it. Click here for the Amazon page Okay, some news about the next projects up. I'm working on the 2nd edition of 'Grimaldi - the angry little fairy', that might be ready today. As in the case of 'Brave', I'm planning to publish the complete story of, 'The Weaver and the Loom', and, 'The Shell and the Granite Pearl', in single volumes. The same will happen for, 'The Map Stick' and, 'The Awakening', once the final parts of those stories have been written and published.
I am currently writing the prequel to 'Hold It!', Kenny's journey to the point he meets Johnny at the crossroads. I'm also writing a short romance called 'Moped', a story about setting yourself, and others, free. I continue to work in the background on the second volume of The Great Dane Saga', entitled, 'The Gap Years', the first segment being the four years he spent with Ace. Busy as you can see, and I have to quit the seminar house and return to the cottage on Wednesday morning, following my week of sitting the seminar house and the animals. That's always a challenge, to then find enough power to charge the laptop for the evening and to get on-line A number of you have requested that I put the 'Broken' story into one volume. So I have. The combined parts, 'Broken', 'Mended' and 'Demon Rider' are now combined in a single volume called 'Brave'. I hope that helps you to enjoy the story of the love affair between Archie and Nathan even more.
Here's a link to the Amazon page: Click here for 'Brave' Alp x Chambers is writing a private investigator series called 'Zac Tremble Investigates'; the stories are really fresh and very funny. I've just read the second and the third cases and I'm hammering down his door to get the fourth on the shelf. Here's a link to save you a click or two.
Chamber Mars on Amazon Thanks Alp xx My very good friend, and esteemed writing colleague, has just published a new story and it's great.
'Lakeside Reunion' is the title and it's available in the Kindle Store from today. Here's the link: Lakeside Reunion by Liz Winters Thanks Alp I had written a m/m/f romance a little while ago, and then parked it. Today, seeing as it was raining, I hot footed it to the house to get on line and published it. 'A Baby for Felicity' is my first m/m/f romance, so it might work, or it might not, please let me know.
I wasn't planning anything else like it, the story bubbled up from nowhere as usual, interrupting progress on part 3 of The Awakening. I hope you enjoy it. Let me know if you did. Alp xx |
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