We welcome any and all original work for inclusion, subject to some simple rules:
· It's your own original work and not restricted from publication.
· The content is appropriate for general circulation; which means it can have an adult theme but it cannot be explicit or likely to cause offence.
· You must have the rights to use any images which you plan to feature alongside the work.
· You do not get paid for any submissions.
· We reserve the right to decline to publish any material sent to us.
· If the work is being serialised then we expect you to provide all parts in order and on time in accordance with our publication schedule.
· Poems and short stories up to 2000 words maximum and serialised works will not exceed 2000 words per issue.
· Work to be submitted in .doc or docx plain formatted and should be edited to a reasonable standard. We do not edit work submitted and will not publish it if it fails to meet our reasonable standards.
· All works to be submitted as an attachment to an email to [email protected] in which we need the following: your name (for accreditation purposes), email address for correspondence, any links you wish to publish with the work.
We hope you enjoyed the August 2014 issue and we are working on the October 2014 issue now. The deadline for submissions for the October issue is 30th September 2014. As always, we are happy to receive any feedback and suggestions on what you would like to see included in the newsletter.
Best wishes