The Great Dane Saga was first published in 2013. The six individual volumes and the compendium (All The World) were removed from the shelf in August 2014 for re-editing ...
Yeah; that took a bit longer than planned. But, the process is now underway and part one of the saga 'Too Much Too Little Too Late' has just been republished (approximately 3 years after it first appeared), having undergone a thorough review. The rest of the individual parts and the compendium, will reappear throughout 2016.
Meet Dane Danois - the most fabulous gay man in the Universe ... in his own, never humble opinion. A man driven to live life to the full, and if there's a chance that he can help a friend along the way, he will. A sharp-suited, sharp-witted, sometimes reckless, sometimes dangerous, always intoxicating agent of change ... and loyal to a T. However, this exacting approach to life - and love - leaves him currently single, and maybe a little bored.
Too Much Too Little Too Late is the first of the six parts of the series called The Great Dane Saga. In this first part, Dane is back in London, touching base with friends and wreaking havoc in his latest job - exceeding the expectations of the client is his personal mantra. In meeting Angelo, the barista who works in the cafe next door to the office, Dane finds something he was not expecting - the possibility of a relationship ... So why then are the alarm bells ringing?
The Great Dane Saga charts the life of Dane Danois, and his many and varied friendships and relationships over the course of a 40 year period.
The six parts of the story do not run in strict chronological order. That is because the story was never going to be a saga, but after I finished part one, it was clear that Dane was not going to shut up until I had written down everything he wanted to say - he was a poor narrator. Dane is neither wholly good nor wholly bad - he is just Dane - perfect in his imperfections.
I really hope you enjoy (re-)discovering Dane Danois - he is, without question, my most cherished character.
13th January 2016