Someone asked me to post what I was currently reading - so here's the list below. I'm an avid reader and have lots of stuff open all of the time. I read on my Kindle but I also buy some print.
As you can see, I have a pretty mixed taste - that kinda reflects my taste in art generally - pretty eclectic and a constantly shifting focus. I wasn't planning on posting links to these books.
It would be cool to know if you're reading one of them too, but let me know what you are reading 'cos I am always looking for recommendations.
ALP IS READING (I will try to keep this list up to date and post reviews as I go) ...
I've got about 20 books downloaded which I haven't started yet - I'll knock some of them on the head when I fly back to Europe at the end of April.
As you can see, I have a pretty mixed taste - that kinda reflects my taste in art generally - pretty eclectic and a constantly shifting focus. I wasn't planning on posting links to these books.
It would be cool to know if you're reading one of them too, but let me know what you are reading 'cos I am always looking for recommendations.
ALP IS READING (I will try to keep this list up to date and post reviews as I go) ...
- The Good Earth by Pearl S Buck
- Atonement by Ian McEwan
- Romeo & Juliet by William Shakespeare
- Assignment to Disaster by Edward S Aarons
- Strange Conflict by Dennis Wheatley
- The Romance of Tristran & Iseult retold by Joseph Bedier
- Stripped Expectations by James Lee Hard
- The Twelve Chairs by Ilf and Eugene Petrov
- Lexington Black by Savannah Smythe
- Wondering, The Way by Luke F D Marsden
- Jonathan's Hope by Hans M Hirschi
I've got about 20 books downloaded which I haven't started yet - I'll knock some of them on the head when I fly back to Europe at the end of April.