Meanwhile, why not catch up on the series; I've included links to the first three parts of the saga below.
My thanks again to Shannon for the wonderful cover design.
Alp Mortal |
![]() Part 4 of The Great Dane Saga is due to appear before the end of October in line with the schedule to have all parts and the compendium back on the shelf by Christmas 2016. Meanwhile, why not catch up on the series; I've included links to the first three parts of the saga below. My thanks again to Shannon for the wonderful cover design. Alp x
I am excited to tell you that part 3 of The Great Dane Saga - The End Of The Road? - has now been re-released [re-edited and re-covered] and is available from all major ebook retailers. Parts 4, 5, and 6, plus the compendium {All The World} will be published by Christmas of 2016.
This event will leave just one story {A Grand Affaire} to be re-edited and re-published of all the stories that {at the time} formed the Liberty Cottage Treasury, which was removed from the shelves of Amazon in August 2014. This gargantuan feat of administration - and bloody hard work - has only been possible with the tireless support of Shannon M. Kirkland. I am grateful beyond words. Alp Mortal 8th October 2016 Who knew that designing aliens would be such hard work ... or so much fun! Part 2 of The Centum Path Series - The Time Weavers - is moving on apace - but I still have some way to go to deliver a story - another 100k word epic, of that I am absolutely positive. If you want to steal a march and catch up on Part 1 - Black Moon Rising - CLICK HERE.
However, to whet the appetite - here's the cover, and news that chapter one will soon be posted too. ![]() Those of you with long memories will remember when The Great Dane Saga was removed from the shelf, now 2 years ago. The reasons for that are not important. I have struggled to get the energy together to do the re-editing and republishing - but part one of the saga appeared about a month ago - TooMuchTooLittleTooLate introduces Dane Danois - the most fabulous gay man in the Universe [in his not so humble opinion]. Part 2 was republished yesterday - TheTimeOfYourLife is now available in all major ebook stores, including Amazon. Part 3 TheEndOfTheRoad is on the blocks and I am working on the re-edit; I expect that it will be out sometime in September. The aim is to have republished all 6 parts, and the compendium (All The World) by Christmas 2016 - that's pretty doable. You may also remember that I promised to write the annex The Ace Years - and I still plan to do that when the muse stops beating me around the head to finish the [minimum] 6 WIPs that are currently open on my desktop [and that doesn't take account of the translation work I have pending for Chambers, or the first pass editing for Morgan, or the 753 other projects that I seem to have gotten involved in of late. When my mother asks if I am eating properly, I say I am too busy to starve to death - it's true - but a shower would probably not be a bad thing ...] I really hope that those of you who are new to the Dane Chronicles enjoy the stories. Alp x I am thrilled to announce that Phetra's story The Train Station is now available to read and/or download from The Envelope Collection - click here
Envelope Collection stories are sub-5k words in length, intense and largely erotic in nature - they are offered for free, either to read on-line or to download as a epub or mobi file. Guest contributors to the Collection are by invitation only. Please keep an eye out for the next one - it'll probably be one of mine but you just never know who will pop up ... ALP After being given the strange stone that Lynn's son Will found on the beach, Rick finds that life is taking on an altogether different hue - can there be anything in the idea of a lucky charm? Once new romantic partner Tasche enters the scene, Rick's hopes of long-lasting love skyrocket but will his luck run out when an unfortunate accident destroys the charm?
Lucky Charm is the second story in the second series of The Tales of the Unexpected, a series of short unrelated stories which allow me to experiment with different voices and ideas, many of which get translated into other stories. I hope you enjoy reading them just as much as I enjoy writing them. CLICK HERE - for an excerpt and retail links. How often do we rely on charms, rituals and artefacts to bolster our confidence, when all we really need is true faith in ourselves? I very much hope that you enjoy the story. Alp x ![]() Today I added a new vignette to the Envelope Collection - my #FREE series, exclusive to the Carter Seagrove Project. Click here to read or download [mobi and epub] The Locksmith. This is the second story to be added and it joins Toutes Bonnes; there will be many more stories added in the future - and watch out for stories from special guest contributors ... I really hope that you enjoy the stories. Alp ![]() I have a new collection of #FREE short stories coming exclusively to the Carter Seagrove Project website - The Envelope Collection kicked off today with the publication of Toute Bonnes. You can read the story on the web site or download a free mobi or epub copy for your eReader. The stories are largely erotic, short, intense vignettes, most of which will be sub-5k words. It is possible, that as the series builds, we'll publish the collection and make it available from the usual retailers - whether we do or not, the series will be permanently FREE and always available from the web site. ALP XX ![]() I am thrilled to announce the publication today of Black Moon Rising - the début story in my new sci-fi saga The Centum Path Series. This first instal of this sci-fi epic has been a labour of love over the last few months - not least, the editing of +100k words, and I am indebted to Shannon for taking on the task - also for the stunning cover. The story is based on three things :- The Antikythera Mechanism - an ancient Greek artefact found at the turn of the 20th Century near the island of Antikythera - believed to have been made by Archimedes - it is a machine that calculates and displays the movements of many celestial bodies in our night sky, and predicts the precise time of each lunar and solar eclipse. The idea that time is woven - the second instal of the series is called The Time Weavers. The challenge that any life form that did actually exist, would be vastly different [and often assumed to be vastly superior] to us. Black Moon Rising is [as is the whole series] a #LGBT romance-laced science fiction epic, which majors on the core relationships in the story just as much as it encompasses the technology, aliens, origins & nature of Time and Space, and wormholes. Black Moon Rising - introduction We are not alone. A fact that few are party to ... until a cataclysm begins to unravel the threads of the lies that have been told for millennia. Caught up in events of which they have little understanding, Meredith and Caleb are catapulted to the bleeding edge of their personal galaxy and come to understand some of its mysteries. While Jonathan - a pawn in the game of Universal domination, and Bakar - a captive off-worlder, learn to trust each other in hopes of fleeing their pursuers and finding a way for Bakar to return to his native world of Mia Via. Meantime, Phaeton and Craig - outcasts - plot to bring the powers that be to their knees, and unleash the power to travel the Universe at will. And in the background, an enemy - as old as the Universe itself - is beginning to rally its allies and wage war against the citizens of the Centum Path - all for the absolute control of a single, rare commodity - gold. Black Moon Rising thrusts the reader straight into the heart of the lives of three couples, through whom, we learn the nature of Space, Time and the meaning of Life ... and love. Chapter One can be read here - excerpt I cannot yet give you an accurate date for the release of Book 2 - I would very much hope that it lands sometime during the summer of 2016. I really hope that you enjoy the story - and, by the way, the 99 cent price is permanent and not an introductory offer. Alp x ![]() My latest release (the Project's 97th!!) is also the début of series 2 of A Tale Of the Unexpected - The Last Jotunn is a short, quirky, poetic Edda inspired tale of self discovery - what do we leave behind? Jack is about to find out. I was not very familiar with the Norse myths and legends until I read the work of, and then became friends with, Phetra K Novak, who writes a wonderful Norse myth inspired series call Haven's Revenge. I was, as usual, minding my own business, standing outside at the house, smoking a cigarette, looking dismally at the metre of snow on the ground that I knew I would have to clear the following day and then WHAM, the full moon rises up over the ridge and sets my world and my imagination on fire - BAM - you get a story - so thank Phetra and the snow and the moon. The underlying premise is very much - what is our life worth? What will we leave behind? Who cares? Jack is about to find out, once he meets the mysterious Monsieur Gilbert Mutare. I hope you enjoy this and the other quirky shorts in the series - series one is now available in a box set - series 2 will also build to 6 stories (I have a thing about series being 6 books long). Many of you won't know this but Shannon M, Kirkland edits all of my work and since the formation of The Carter Seagrove Project, she has edited and published 1,500,000 words for me alone (and nearly a million more for the other members of the co-op) - no one could ask for a better friend and colleague. The sun is shining today and there is no snow so I guess that means I can safely go back to working on my sci-fi novel - Black Moon Rising. A #LGBT themed sci-fi epic of +100k words ... might be ready by Easter. Alp |
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